Fun From France
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From the lips des Français
French people share what they really watch, read, and listen to in our series of short interviews, all en français. But t’inquiète pas, we’ve translated them into English too.
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The French-language movies, series, songs, books, and games everyone knows in France.
3 Classic French Christmas Movies To Watch This Winter
We all have our favorite Christmas movie we watch every year, but if you're learning le français, why not take a break from Love Actually or A Christmas Story and put on a French film instead? Certes, the French watch many Hollywood holiday hits including Home Alone...
Who Oui Are, What Oui Do, & Why Oui Do It
Bonjour, and please pardon the puns! Je m’appelle Alesa and I’m the founder of Fun From France. Our site rounds up the best of French culture, en français, so you can immerse yourself in the language in a fun and authentic way even if you don’t live in France. Discover French movies, songs, series, and more based on your interests and get authentic recommendations from des vrais Français.