Bonjour 👋
My name’s Alesa and I’m the francophile behind Fun From France. Enchantée!

I started Fun From France to help French learners looking to practice the language by immersing themselves in current, popular French culture. If you ever wondered what les Français really listen to, watch, or read, c’est pour vous!

When I was studying French in high school and college,—way back before music and movie streaming platforms!— I struggled to get access to authentic, popular, current French culture. I desperately wanted to immerse myself in the language and culture, but it was très tough to find.

That’s why I’m now sharing everything that I’ve learned over the past 6 years of living in France, so you can more easily discover the French music, movies, shows, books, and more that everyone knows and loves here, and hopefully find your own personal préférés as well. All while working on your français.

I’m taking the leap and turning this long-time passion of mine into a true project. Pour le moment, my passion doesn’t pay the bills, so if you’re enjoying the articles and playlists on Fun From France, or if you’d just like to help out a fellow French fan, please consider showing your support by ‘buying me un café’ ☕. Merci beaucoup!

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